Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Ezihuo winner
4 min readJan 13, 2021

If you’re finding it difficult losing weight, then this article is for you. Most people who want to lose weight always have a familiar story You pledge to honor a daily elliptical routine and count every last calorie but soon you’re eating cup cakes and other things you’re not supposed to be eating. I know it’s not easy losing weight because I’ve been there before and I know people who were in that position. But if you follow the steps in this article, trust me you would get the right results.


  1. Try Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that involves regular short-term fasts and consuming meals within a shorter time period during the day.

Intermittent fasting is a very powerful method of weight loss, studies indicated that short term intermittent fasting which is up to 24 weeks leads to weight loss in over weight individuals.

Intermittent fasting methods include:

~ Alternate day fasting(ADF): ADF involves fasting every other day and eat normally on non-fasting days. Learn more

~ The 5:2 diet: Fast on 2 out of every 7 days. On fasting days eat 500–600 calories.

~ The 16/8 method: Fast for 16 hours and eat only during an 8-hour window. For most people, the 8-hour window would be around noon to 8 p.m. A study on this method found that eating during a restricted period resulted in the participants consuming fewer calories and losing weight.

Learn more about Intermittent fasting

2. Have a 300 Calorie Breakfast: When I was trying to lose weight, I always miss breakfast thinking it would help me but I ended up over eating just few hours later and that didn’t help as I wasn’t making progress.

You have to eat about 300 calories of a healthy mix of protein and whole grains. My go-to meal: a sandwich with natural peanut butter and apple butter. It would help keep your hunger down so you snack less throughout the day. With this method, you can shed around 65 pounds in a year. Click here to read more.

3. Get Fired Up: When I started my journey on weight loss, I loaded my iPod with jams that make me look forward to going to the gym. They energize me, allowing me to pick up speed on the elliptical — and because I want to hear my entire playlist, my workouts were longer. About two months later, I lost around 17 pounds.

4. Tracking your diet and exercise: If someone wants to lose weight, they should be aware of everything that they eat and drink each day. The most effective way to do this is to log every item that they consume, in either a journal or an online food tracker. A study found that consistent tracking of physical activity helped with weight loss. I suggest you take this very seriously because it really helped me. A device as simple as a pedometer can be a useful weight-loss tool.

5. Walk with Spot: My dog and I go for a walk every day, even if it’s for just 10 minutes around the block. When the weather is horrible, her enthusiasm gives me the incentive to get out when I wouldn’t dare lace up my sneakers otherwise. This helped me a lot and when I told my friend how important it is, he tried it and it helped him lose close to 50 pounds. READ MORE

6. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbohydrates: The Western diet is increasingly high in added sugars, and this has definite links to obesity even when the sugar occurs in beverages rather than food.

Refined carbohydrates are heavily processed foods that no longer contain fiber and other nutrients. These include white rice, bread, and pasta. These foods are quick to digest, and they convert to glucose rapidly. Excess glucose enters the blood and provokes the hormone insulin, which promotes fat storage in the adipose tissue. This contributes to weight gain.

Where possible, you should swap processed and sugary foods for more healthier options.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the article. Losing weight is not easy but I want to encourage you to start now because at the end you would be very happy you took this decision. In this article are some of the things I did when I was on my weight loss journey and you can get even more information here. I also want to recommend this book as it will help you a lot. You can also check out this article it helped me a lot and I hope it can help you too.



Ezihuo winner

I'm just a writer giving my opinions